print cd dvd covers

Main features at a glance

video software: camcorder capture programs

Easy video capture from a Digital Camcorder
Via firewire, at the touch of a button.

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Import video from any QuickTime video file
All formats catalogued in one Application.



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Create motion graphics and fun animations
in minutes using your video images



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Create video content for your iPod
From your video catalog to your pocket in a few clicks: share your videos in no time!

compress clips and video

Compress the video file
in any Quicktime codec with iDive



Print contact sheets and CD/DVD covers
with your clips

clip video visualisation software

Breakthrough clip visualization
Clip sampling, PowerPreview for instant view of your footage.

view video data, media asset management

Multiple point of views on your video data
Icon, list and timeline views, all fully customizable !

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Video Logging: Drag and Drop Annotation
Via intuitive people, places and events tags. Integrated editor.

spotlight search video clips, video broadcast

Video Clip Searching…redefined
Via multi-criteria filters…or by typing a few words. Fast and intuitive..

organize your video footage

Getting your Video Footage Organized
Libraries, tapes, sequences and clip lists at their best.

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Export to your video editing software like iMovie
Getting your footage into iMovie, FCE or FCP is as easy as a drag and drop from iDive



Get your videos ready for iTunes
From your catalog to iTunes in a few clicks: share and podcast your videos in no time!

manage video and apple imovie projects

Manage your iMovie Projects
Catalog, Search, Retrieve and Launch your iMovie projects using iDive

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Export frames to your Digital Photo Album
Export frames in a variety of formats. Drag and drop to iPhoto.

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Support for nomadic users
Move your libraries of clips transparently between your computers.

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Speed …even with hundred + tapes.
Ultra fast resizing and scrolling thanks to optimized display strategies.

Get your tapes and CDs
easily identifiable

iDive offers the possibility to print tape/CD/DVD covers from your catalog data using the pictures of your videos.


You will also have the possibility to print contact sheets with your clips.

A number of options can help you customize the output, and a real-time preview is shown on screen.

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buy idive, the best digital video software for mac

best video logging software

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